What’s New

• Fall Kickoff is September 8th. Stay tuned for details!

Older Content ↑click for details

2023 ↑click for details

Due to the weather, church is cancelled for Wednesday, February 1st.

Due to the weather, church is cancelled for Wednesday, January 25th. Everybody stay safe, we’ll see you Sunday!

2022 ↑click for details

Merry Christmas! We are having a combined in-person service at 11 a.m. today. Come join us and celebrate the birth of the LORD!

2021 ↑click for details

There will be NO streaming or recording of the service this Sunday! Please join us in person at 8:30 a.m. for first service and 11 a.m. for second service!

Also, please congratulate the winners of the 15th annual Elm Branch Turkey Shoot last Sunday! They all won a turkey for their excellent trap shooting marksmanship! (We also had a runner up who won a ham. 🙂 )


Mission Awareness Day
Mission Awareness Day is Sunday, April 25th. We will explore our missions, their needs and what we can pray for. Our guest speaker is Dave Embree from Christian Campus House. He will bring us the message during both services. During Sunday school we will have a Campus House update, as well as a short update on our other missions. We will have lunch afterwards with food representing the nations of the missions we support and Nikki Langley has graciously agreed to head it up. She is asking people to please bring a dish relating to a mission or a country that we support: Haiti, India, Zimbabwe, Maranatha Bible Camp, Christian Campus House and Good News Production (which serves all over the world), just have fun and be creative. We have some recipes on the table in the foyer if you need ideas as well as a sign up sheet.

Strict Distancing Service
Today is the last day we are having our 8:30 am strict distancing service in the gym. I want to thank everyone who made this a reality for those who attended it. For now worship times will still stay the same (9:00 am first service, 10:00 am Sunday school, and 11:00 am second service). We will let you know of any changes in the future.
Thank you again,

2020 ↑click for details

We’re back! Join us at church for regularly scheduled services starting Sunday, October 11. Masks are welcome. (For our 8:30 am Strict Social Distancing service, masks are still mandatory. If you are so inclined you may attend this service.) Our schedule can be seen below.
Sunday Schedule:
8:30 – 9:00 am SSDC (Strict Social Distancing Church) This will be for those at highest risk, and will have strict rules:
*Masks are required (and provided if needed)
*We will be meeting in the gym; enter through the south gym doors.
*Social distancing of 10 ft apart at all times.
*No contact please, no greetings / handshakes.
9:00 – 10:00 am “First” Service
10:00 – 11:00 am Sunday School
11:00 am – 12:00 pm “Second” Service
Wednesday Schedule:
6:30 pm Fellowship Meal
7:00 pm Bible study

We won’t be having services on Sunday 10/4 or Wednesday 10/7. Join us Sunday, 10/11, when we’ll resume our regular schedule.

We won’t be having services on Sunday 9/27 or Wednesday 9/30.

Fall Kick Off “Better Is One Day” September 13th
Invite your family and friends and plan to be here all day! We will be having games for all ages, including adults!
All Day Schedule:
8:30 – 9:30 am Social Distancing Church
10:00 am Sunday School
11:00 am Combined Service
12:15 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Clean Up from Lunch
1:30 – 5:00 pm Youth & Adult Games
5:00 – 5:30 pm Clean up
5:30 pm Evening Meal
6:30 pm “Newlywed & (Not so) Newlywed” Game

We will not be having a 9:00 am service Next Sunday, June 28th . We will have our 8:30 am Social Distancing service as normal, along with 10:00 am Sunday school and 11:00 am combined service.
8:30 am Strict Social Distancing Church
9:00 am No 1st Service
10:00 am Sunday School
11:00 am 2nd Service

Greetings in the LORD:
Here are the changes for this Sunday, June 14, and also this coming week at EBCC. Starting this Sunday, we are going to offer all of our Sunday school classes at 10:00 am. We have had 2 adult and 2 youth classes, but starting this Sunday we are going to offer all the youth classes. So, the schedule is:
8:30 am – Strict Social Distancing Service
9:00 am – 1st Service
10:00 am – Sunday School
11:00 am – 2nd service
We will be talking about prayer in this Sunday’s meeting, hope to see you at EBCC.
Also, this coming week, we are going to start up with our Wednesday Night Bible Study. No meal will be offered at this time, but we have Bible Studies for all ages. Soon we will be back having our meals.
Keep looking at the Web page, Facebook and texting.
Praise the LORD For HIS provision,

We are going to be having a church softball league this year. It is tentatively scheduled to start June 22. We will be playing each team once and then having a double elimination tournament. Rules are the same as last year. We are trying to get the money for each team in the first 2 weeks. If you could bring your money in those weeks it would really help. Cost is $30 per person. Let Alex French know if you are interested so I can see how many people we have right now. You can find Alex on Facebook or after second service this Sunday (he’s the one operating the camera!).

Tomorrow’s services will be the same as last week (9:00 am in the sanctuary and 11:00 am Drive-In), but with the addition that we will be having Sunday School in the gym at 10:00 am if you want to attend it. It will be the same study that is online at 7:00 pm Sunday night as well. Also at 10:00 am tomorrow we will have a combined children’s class for all ages. Can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow!

Message from Elm Branch Christian Church Administration
With things opening in Missouri, we have decided that in addition to our regular drive-in service at 11:00 am, we will offer a service inside starting Sunday, May 17.
This will be a 9:00 am service in the sanctuary.
We ask that you follow the recommended social distancing guideline. We also ask you to respect the personal space of others and refrain from physical contact if at all possible.
You are welcome to wear a mask.  If you do not have one, we will provide a mask for you.
These are reusable. Please take them home and keep them for your own personal use, including when you come to church the next week.  DO NOT PUT THEM BACK IN BOX OR LEAVE THEM AT THE CHURCH.
We have been extra diligent in sanitizing the sanctuary and the rest of the Church and will continue that.
Communion and offering will be at the conclusion of this service as you exit at the station, as we will not be passing trays for your safety.
We would love for you to come Sunday morning, but we want you to follow the church guidelines that have already been posted:
• If you or any of your family have been exposed to a person with the coronavirus or the flu, or have recently experienced symptoms associated with the flu or the common cold, PLEASE take all precautions including staying home for the recommended time and take care of your health.
• Before coming to church, please wash your hands. If you are serving at church, please be extra diligent in this.
Since we will also offer the drive-in church for now, you have the option of attending the one at which you feel most comfortable.
God bless you all!
David Martin

Message From Leadership of Elm Branch Christian Church, May 2, 2020:
Lawrence County has its first possible COVID-19 infection.  I say possible because as we speak, they are retesting because they think that it is a false positive.
One of our church members was informed Friday that since Tuesday, April 28th, she has been exposed to this possible case. 
We are praying for her and her family and are also praying for the possible COVID patient for their safety.
The leadership at EBCC have been informed and are monitoring the situation closely.  The family has informed us that they are in quarantine, which means they will not be attending EBCC until they are cleared.
Please pray that they will not develop the virus, and that the patient does not have it as well.
Please pray that they will not develop the virus, and that the patient does not have it as well.
I know that we are all wanting to get back together in the church building, and LORD willing we will do that very soon.
But earlier this week EBCC leadership decided that we are going to do drive-in church until the end of May, even before this situation came up. We believe it to be a safe option for the time being .
This is a reminder for us that social distancing is a good practice as well.
LORD willing, we’ll see you Sunday rain or shine.
David Martin And The Leadership Of EBCC.

We are going to have drive in church rain or shine this Sunday, May 3 at 11:00 am. Hope to see you there!

Drive-In Church Returns!
Brothers and Sisters:
I have some exceptionally good news for you today and that is that we are going to start up our drive-in church again this Sunday, April 26. at 11 a.m.
I cannot wait to see you all in the LORD’s parking lot this Sunday when the church meets to worship together.
We are going to do a few things differently, so I want to let you know about that.
#1: We are going to have more than one communion station so that at the end of the service you and your family can exit your car and meet around the LORD’s table.
#2: We will have a place for you to place your offerings in plates at the communion tables if you have not had an opportunity to give your offering. Once again I praise the LORD for the faithful who have been giving in times like these. I am glad that you have made this a part of your worship!
#3: Bathrooms will still be available, but we are still asked to stay 6 feet apart. We will also have a person monitoring the bathrooms to make sure they are not overcrowded.
#4: Understand that if you do not feel comfortable with being here Sunday you can watch the service on Sunday night when it will be available on our website, www.elmbranch.org
With all those new things we will still have a great worship service and the chance to wave at each other and honk out our amens as Landon B. so eloquently suggested!
Hope to see you there this Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m.! If you have any questions please call or contact me or Erin.
Pastor David Martin

Special Message from the Elders and David Martin, April 4, 2020
Due to the directive from our Governor and our determination to do our part to stem the spread of COVID-19, we are going to suspend the drive-in church for 3 weeks.
No matter how hard we try to keep six feet apart, as required, it has not been working that well.
We are concerned for the health of our congregation and want to make sure that no one inadvertently gets or spreads the virus.
I know that if someone finds out they had it and they attended church and gave it to someone, they would be crushed.
New information comes out all the time and I don’t know what will be next, but we have decided that we are simply going to go virtual for now.
This means that we WILL have virtual church services online every Sunday, starting tomorrow, April 5, for you and your family to worship in that way with us.
I am aware that Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday are the biggest events of the year for us.
I hope to help you virtually to make this a special time for you and your family to make your home the church as you worship together on those days.
Taking communion can be a simple process.  After all, it was a cup and unleavened bread at the Passover table that JESUS used to implement that.
So, a little grape juice and some unleavened bread…(here’s a link to a recipe: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/241680/unleavened-bread-for-communion/ or just search “simple unleavened bread for communion bread” on the Web)
And at the last of my sermons each week I will give a little communion devotion for you and our family to meet around the LORD’S Table.
We will get through this together as a church family and as we remember that the LORD is in control!

With kids being out of school, it is a great opportunity to start a pen-pal program. The Veterans home in Mt Vernon has about 20 patients that would be interested. If you or your child would like volunteer, Please call or text Linda Tuten 417-229-2436.

Greetings in the LORD
Plans for the Lawrence 1200 drive-in church are setup and plans are going great!
Damon and Chris came out Thursday night and did a sound check and it sounded great.
So at 11 am the service will begin.
Here are a few signals:
Flash Lights:
Rev Your Engine:
We would love for you to come Sunday morning but we want you to follow the church guidelines that have already been posted:
• If you’re in the most vulnerable group for COVID-19 (precondition/ immune issues/older) and you decide that you are going to come, I would not recommend that you get out of your car for communion.
 • If you or any of your family have been exposed to a person with the coronavirus or the flu, or have recently experienced symptoms associated with the flu or the common cold…PLEASE take all precautions including staying home for the recommended time and take care of your health.
• Before coming to church, please wash your hands. If you are serving at church, please be extra diligent in this.
• Pray! For our government officials, our friends and neighbors, and our foreign missionaries. And don’t forget, the Lord is in control.
• The only reason that you will be exiting your vehicles is for using the restroom or to take communion. Communion will be offered one car at a time, so please only one group out of a vehicle at any particular point for that.
• Dress warm so that you can roll down your window.
This is a first (we have had a lot of them lately) so if you see something that might help or something that needs to change feel free to make suggestions
See you tomorrow!
Pastor David Martin

With the safety in mind of others, our secret sister reveal has been canceled. If everyone would please mail a card to their secret sister, revealing who they are. We will schedule a get together once everything is back to normal.
God Bless

Greetings in the LORD
Well we are living in times that could only be explain as uncertain times.
I’m running out of feet for “the other foot to fall “ .
Anyway, God is great, and we will get through this with HIM and together.
In times like these I always think of I Tim 2:1-4

I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers,
intercession and thanksgiving
be made for everyone– 2 for kings and all those in
authority, that we may live
peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3
This is good, and pleases
God our Savior, 4 who wants all men to be saved and to
come to a knowledge of
the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between
God and men, the man
Christ Jesus,

I’m sure that we all have an opinion on how this aught to be handled and certainly have both praise and criticism for our leaders from Washington all the way down to city officials but at the same time you should be praying GOD wisdom for each of them .
I can tell you one thing for sure that that I miss seeing you all, studying and worshipping and fellowshipping with you.
So here is what we are planning to do this Sunday March 29 ,2020 at 11am.
It’s the Lawrence 1200 drive-in Church service.
Just plan on pulling up and staying in your car.
We will have parking lot attendance making sure that we don’t fight for the parking spaces in the back.
Wear warm cloths because you’ll be rolling down your windows to hear the worship and message.
After the message we will let one car at a time take communion and then service will be over.
Restrooms will be provided in the MMB and disinfected periodically throughout the service. (please one or 2 at a time)
A lot of things will have to come together for this service, and we  will need willing helpers .
I’ve got setup and takedown people Damon, Chris and Preston,
If you would like to help let me know and I will see if your needed.
Understand that we will be limiting the number of helpers so that we meet the no more than 10 in a group request from Lawrence County.
This service will also be lived streamed and recorded for you to watch at your convention if you are unable to be here.

What About Giving?
As we think about an empty auditorium, we face a very real problem.
This church is supported by the regular Sunday giving by all of you faithful members.  Since we are not going to be meeting for a while, that means we are not going to have the opportunity for giving as part of our worship.  I want to let you know that it is vital for us going forward to make sure that we still are able to support our ministries.  Even though services are not happening, so many other ministries are going on. We need you to continue to support the church that you love so much.
There are a couple ways you can do this:
We have set up online giving on our web page: www.elmbranch.org  (On the top right-hand side, click on Give.)  For those who do not wish to do that, you can mail a check to Elm Branch Christian Church, 17591 Lawrence 1200, Aurora, MO 65605 — or  you can drop it by the church in the mornings Tuesday through Sunday,  just let me know you are coming .
I want to remind you of how critical this is as we endeavor to sustain the ministries at EBCC through the end of this trial that we are all going through.


  • CIY
  • Ozark Christian College Womens’ Event: Rise Up
  • Wednesday night services until further notice
  • Maranatha Work Day Saturday, March 28